A Love Story – 6/14/12


This is a love story.  It’s a story about longing, passion…..and destiny.
It begins with a lonely gopher snake, inching forlornly along a garden path seeking his one true love.
Searching for love.
                                A leery Titmouse watches from above.
Perhaps the love of his life is somewhere in the luscious green grass.  Perhaps she, too, is winding hither and thither, desperately seeking the love of her life....two lost souls slithering toward their awaited destinies.

Alas, in all the fields and all the meadows in Ojai, they spy each other in front of The Little House on Creek Road.  Their eyes meet, their heartbeats race in unison. 

He serpentines up to her and introduces himself.  She coyly gives him a knowing sidelong glance.  They intertwine and the courtship begins.
He gives her an enticing bite and she is engulfed in snake-bite ecstasy. 

She invites him into a cozy little gopher hole and he follows, captivated by her charms. 

He checks to make sure no one has followed them. 

Cameras fade to darkness and the sound of violins floats on summer breezes.

The End
Actually there are love stories all over our little acre.  Mr. and Mrs. Blue Bird fell in love here and raised their family in our Audubon house.   It was a treat watching the two of them swoop over the grass in the evenings to catch the flying critters for their younguns.  Unfortunately we were out of town when the little ones took flight.  However,  we did get to see the young Swallow leave their nest. 

We must make note of a correction to a previous publication.  The adorable little bird identified as a Flycatcher is actually none other than a Titmouse.  Thank you loyal follower Roger Conrad for bringing this to my attention.

Yes, he loves to eat his sunflower seeds on the cat's tail.
 Note:  The Little House refurbishment is moving forward.  We have actually finished the kitchen and are now tackling the living room.  I will be posting photos on the next blog.

Until then, much love,

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Those are the most amazing photos of the snakes!! A once in a lifetime experience, wow. Love the nest of swallows as well.