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Ok, keeping up a travel journal blog is not as easy as it might sound.  The past three days have zipped by and now I have to try to remember what we have done.

I do remember one thing we have done because it relates to food.  We have dedicated ourselves to finding the BEST clam chowder in Pismo Beach.  In doing so, we have come to realize that the best in Pismo is not necessarily the best we have ever eaten.  The best clam chowder we have EVER eaten is still at Paradisio in Monterey and at the Rendezvous Restaurant and Lounge in Tillamook, Oregon.  Both are fabulous.  The BEST clam chowder we have eaten in Pismo to date is at Brad’s.  And it's just ok.   We are still searching.

We have gone for lots of walks along the beach, peeked into interesting little shops, and eaten tons of good food, mostly around our campfire.  We are staying at Pismo Coast Village on the beach.  It’s a fantastic location though the camp sites are a bit snug.  The elderly codger across the way has a very loud, gravely voice and he can talk non-stop for literally hours.  Just ask Julie, she’ll back me up on this.  She came for dinner the other night and is our star witness.

Last night we headed out to the dunes.  We arrived a little late and the sun disappeared much too quickly.  Tonight we will arrive early and hopefully be more prepared. 

It is a spiritual high standing at the top of the dunes with the sun setting low in the sky watching the changing shadows on the sand.  To make it even more mystical, we stood silently watching an event that will come only once in our lifetimes:  the ascension of a full moon with Jupiter shining brightly next to her, rising on the autumn equinox.

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