The sky is still overcast as we head for breakfast at the Coffee Pot Café in Morro Bay.  It’s a cozy spot and we watch the owner greet many local friends.  Fred enjoys scrambled eggs with bacon and a side of gravy.  I have the oatmeal with walnuts, brown sugar, rains and bananas on the side.  Good as always.

We pack up camp anxious to head for Big Sur.  But first, we pull into a site with hook-ups and fill with water.  We are improving our time with the hitch and in minutes we are on the road heading for Highway 41 through the pass to Atascadero.  Once there we fill the gas tank.  Fred jumps into the RV and calculates the gas mileage – then instantly wishes he hadn’t – 7 mpg.

We hit the road the speed past (or should I say “mosey” past) brown hills dotted with clumps of green oak trees.  Shadows are getting longer as we approach King City.

In Salinas we take the highway over to the coast.  As we approach the turn off to Highway 1 we are somewhat apprehensive about the notoriously narrow and winding road ahead.  How will the RV/VW handle it?

We meander our way along the high jagged cliffs.  Fred is quite gracious and pulls over once in a while to let the build-up of autos go around us.  I enjoy counting how many were stacked up…7, 8, 9.  We are pleased and relieved to find the RV has no problem towing the VW on the narrow, winding highway  -  she just can’t go very fast up the steeper inclines and it is good practice for our patience….ohmmmmmm.

We arrive at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park around 5:00 pm and pull into our reserved site #159.  We are disappointed to find that in all of the park there are only four sites in a clearing with no trees and ours is one of them - but we consider ourselves lucky to have even gotten a space at such a late date.

Fred puts his new homemade lifts to work to level out the RV – they work beautifully.  Once level, he relaxes in my newly purchased lounger and decides he wants one.  We warm up left over green chili soup and the remains of the guacamole and chips.  The sky is clearing and it looks like tomorrow will be a bright and sunny day.  Lights out around 10 pm.

1 comment:

leo said...

Hello Susan and Fred,

Just now caught up with your blog. I had lost the address. I love following your adventures and seeing
the very fine photography.

Thanks for taking us on your trip,
